NH House Freedom Caucus
Contact: info@nhhfc.org
For Immediate Release
September 21, 2017
New Hampshire House Freedom Caucus Comments on Speaker Jasper’s Effort to Tear Apart Republican Party
Concord — The New Hampshire House Freedom Caucus (NHHFC) today offered the following comments in response to House Speaker Shawn Jasper’s efforts to split the Republican Party through division. WMUR reported that Jasper told NHGOP Chair Jeanne Forrester that “no person who ascribes to the principles of the Free State Project can also be considered to be a Republican.”
“It is sad, that House leadership has now made explicitly clear that they oppose working with citizens who ascribe to the values of limited government, lower taxation and personal freedom. Thankfully, liberty-minded Granite Staters, both Republicans and Independents, have a place where they can work to build the ‘Live Free or Die’ values into effective policy – the House Freedom Caucus. We work with members of all parties to promote the notion that government should stay out of your life and your pocketbook. Moreover, we don’t put a litmus test on whether or not individuals moved here from out of state or were born and raised here with these values,” said Rep. JR Hoell (R-Dunbarton).
“I’m shocked that instead of supporting conservatives who believe in limited government, the House leadership chose to align themselves with the radical tax and spend group called Granite State Progress and to champion their talking points when attacking other Republicans.” added Rep. Christie (R-Goffstown).
“When I moved to New Hampshire as a Free State Project participant I hadn’t planned on seeking office. In 2012 the Republican party recruited me to run for office. I’ve found the Republican party to be a good fit and largely welcoming. I was a bit surprised, yet pleased, to hear that Jeannie Forrester had visited the Porcupine Freedom Festival. Clearly she sees the value that the FSP brings to the Republican party and to advancing the cause of limited government.” Rep. Michael Sylvia (R-Belmont)
The New Hampshire House Freedom Caucus is a grassroots organization consisting of legislators and private citizens, who believe in personal liberty and the traditional conservative “Yankee” values that made New Hampshire a great place to live.